I'm in the same boat as many authors I know where Motivation is this unbalanced, never ending road trip that has its fair share of lush countryside and lackluster hills. I'm currently going through the desert and thirsting for some indicator of finding the waterfall at the horizon. Which led me to dissect these emotions...

Desert = No writing
Thirst = Trying to find ways to get back that writing mojo
Waterfall = Unlimited creativity flowing through

Okay, I've had those wonderful writing moments when I can't seem to stop the ideas from pouring out of my head...then there are weeks at a time in which I wonder if my writing wouldn't be more productive if I turned to the bottle of red wine that's staring hard at me. Sure, I can feel sorry for myself, or I can fight this lack of motivation by just writing.

Today, I'm talking about what contributes to lack of 'motivation'. The answer is real simple: FEAR

Most writers are stifled because they fear the unknown. They fear that their writing isn't good enough. They fear that they've made the wrong choices..or they fear success. For example: Most writers fall into the safety net by joining organizations to help them move forward without the real investment of actually wanting to get published. On the other hand, most writers join organizations to try to get published with the help of their peers...but what if you subtract these organizations from the equation--a writer needs to be able to function outside of writing circles, work, home life...they must rely on their own strengths and they must always hold themselves accountable...

There are two types of writers. 1. Those who allow their surroundings (family, friends insecurities, pressures) to give them a reason to quit. 2. Those that will overcome all their fears just by trying and someday succeeding.

Of course, it's easy to give in when we're at the edge, a crossroad, a moment of weakness...There are so many excuses that can be given but when a writer chooses to write, they are choosing that even when the times are tough, they must never ever ever give up. If a writer is so easily discouraged...a writer must evaluate if they truly want this bad enough. If they truly want this because of their love of writing or simply the mere outward appearance it presents. I've known writers with both these traits and in the end...the one who has traveled this journey with me, and continues to fight, continues to create even when faced with adversity is the one that is now called "author".

Jenius Jax

Comments (8)

On April 27, 2009 at 1:01 PM , Kwana said...

Wonderful post Jax! What is in the water that we were so on the same page with our post today? Thanks so much for this. I must tell folks about it. Hope you don't mind.

On April 27, 2009 at 2:16 PM , Dara Edmondson said...

Good post. Wish I could bottle that waterfall time in my writing because the desert is forever creeping up behind me;-)

On April 27, 2009 at 4:45 PM , Jax Cassidy said...

Kwana, I'd love for you to tell people. I actually will be doing Motivational Workshops next year which will tie in with my YA tour if all goes well. LOL

Dara, I hear you. I need to dig in the sand until I hit a water sprouting out of the ground! You can do it!

On April 27, 2009 at 7:40 PM , Jeannie Lin said...

Great post. You reminded me of Stephen King when you pinpointed fear as the real reason. And yes, there are many people I know who join writing organizations, yet don't write. I think their time will come when they get over that fear.

I have an image in my head that helps get over the fear that what I put down on paper will suck. First I tell myself, yes, it's going to suck because it's first draft. Then I think of laying on the carpet in the middle of my mom's bedroom and writing by pen into a spiral notebook. I used to do that in middle school all summer long -- writing stories I wouldn't let anybody read except my little sister. I was writing then because it felt so darn good to do it, better than anything else in the world. I never was afraid of sucking then.

I first conjured that image for myself when reading On Writing -- thanks for bringing it back!

On April 27, 2009 at 8:18 PM , Jax Cassidy said...

Jeannie - Great comment! I'm so glad you went out of your comfort zone and let the world see your writing. I love your storytelling... Look what you can accomplish through your visualization and confidence: Finaling in the Golden Heart! Woohoo!

On April 28, 2009 at 6:36 AM , Kristen Painter said...

I have tons of motivation! Mostly because I'm so close to finishing.

On April 28, 2009 at 10:01 AM , Kelley Nyrae said...

Great post, Jax. And I have to say, you write so beautifully even when writing a blog.

On April 28, 2009 at 10:39 AM , Jax Cassidy said...

Kristen--I know you're gonna ROCK the end!

Kelley--You're a sweetheart! Your writing is pretty darn good, yourself. :)