I’m really staring to think I have a serious problem. I mean I’m talking a possible, I need to see a therapist or perhaps some type of help group, kind of problem. I’m addicted to buying books. Now, if you’re reading this, the possibility that you have the same problem is high. But I can say with all certainty that having over one thousand books constitutes a problem. It doesn’t help that my husband supports my habit by allowing me to buy a book every time we go the grocery store. He’s the man, isn’t he supposed to be the stronger half of this duo? I certainly tell him no on a regular basis when we walk into a hardware store, or sports outlet, or auto dealership. You’d think he would reciprocate by keeping me in line, but he simply can’t seem to tell me no. And then there are the book clubs I’ve joined. Not only do I have to buy a book every time I see them in person…I’ve started with the online and mail ordering too. It’s a never-ending cycle. Just today I bought eight books between the three stores I stopped at. Of course I had a coupon for one, a discount card for the other and the third was having a clearance sale. I was helpless to resist. And staying home isn’t safe anymore either! Hello? Can you say e-books? Ugh, it’s never going to end. Well, since it’s inevitable that books will be written and released, and I will buy them in some form or another, then perhaps I will form my own group. We can be a force of support for those who feel helpless to resist the written word! And maybe, just maybe, I can even get some good recommendations for more books…
Ms. Missy Jane is the alter ego of a Texas mother of four who has been married to the same wonderful man for thirteen years. About five years ago Missy finished reading a book by Mercedes Lackey and thought "Now, what if..." and a monster was created. Missy now spends most of her time lost in worlds of her own making alternately loving and hating such creatures as vampires, shape-shifters and gargoyles (to name a few). When not writing, she spends her time reading, taking photos of her beautiful daughters and training her husband to believe she's always right. Excerpts from Missy's work can be found at www.msmissyjane.com.
Missy’s first book, They Call me Death is available from Samhain Publishing. http://samhainpublishing.com/romance/they-call-me-death.
You can win a copy of They Call me Death! By chatting with me here you'll be entered in a drawing. We'll randomly select a commenter tomorrow morning and post the winner in a new blog post and the sidebar of this blog, so be sure to check back to see if you win!
Have a great day, and be sure to swing by the Samhain Cafe! There's a party in full swing this week and more prizes to be won!
Thursday, April 23, 2009 |
Guest Blogger,
Missy Jane,
Samhain Publishing
Comments (20)
I am the same way when I go into a store. I am always picking up at least one book a week or I buy 5 to 10 at one time. It is easier to pick up 1 or 2 a week for me that way it isn't as noticeable with the budget plan. I do the same when buy books online which are mostly e-books. I am going to check out Missy Jane's website. She is a new author to me, but her book "They Call Me Death" sounds like something I would read.
Yes, well, let's just say my middle name Is Not restraint when it comes to any form of book buying. LOL If there's a way I do try to hit the sales and discount/half price stores as much as possible but that's not always the case when I have to have a new book that's just come out.
Missy, your story looks Fantastic! Truly a new take on shifters and what a future could hold! Thanks for sharing with us today. I can't wait to read more about it.
Hi Missy!!
They Call Me Death looks like a wonderful book!!
I have a serious serious problem when it comes to books! I can't help myself. I try to go into a bookstore with a list and I tell myself I'm only buying what I'm looking for but that never happens. And if by chance there is nothing I'm looking for out I still buy something........I CAN'T walk out of a bookstore empty handed!! :)
I'm also addicted to buying books. Unfortunately, because of my habit, I am worried about all those books I'll have to transport when I move again. In my closet I have about fifteen banker boxes full of books. I should really spend time to sift through and donate them....
Congrats on your first release!
"They Call Me Death" looks like a great read!! Congrats on your release and hope you sales are through the roof :)
Missy, I love how you're training your husband to believe you're always right :) I think I need to make sure the kids believe that, too ;)
And yes, another book addict here--with e-books, it's even easier to acquire more :) It's such a harmless addiction, at least until my TBR falls and crushes me!
Ohh I have the same problem. Shhh we aren't telling the DH though.
You book sounds great BTW.
shhh i hide my books from hubby. he knows i have books just not how many i hide them in the basement on the shelfs i made myself he never comes to my side of the basement lol
Maybe you should start a new blog for bookaholics like us. Hello, my name is Booklover1335, and I have been addicted to books for several years, and I love to say that I don't plan to stop anytime soon :)
Missy's book looks like another one to be added to the growing pile of TBB. UGH!
Hi Missy, I'm addicted to books too, from paperbacks to ebooks now. I would like to save a tree. Wish my Hubby supported ( pays for some of my books, doesn't know it HEE! HEE!) my harmless addiction like yours.Thanks for sharing and the drawing. Hugs,Cheesecake and Spankings!!!
Hello Missy,
Love the cover of the book. About having too many books. I don't believe you can. The more the merrier is what I say. If you run out of room to have them, build another room onto the house. LOL Have a great day.
I have curbed my buying. I had to. I was walking through books with no time to read them do to school. And well, I didn't have time to read while studying. I am trying to be good! lol We also want to save for a house, so my book buying wasn't helping!
Please don't include me in this contest. The book is AMAZING! One of the ones I managed to read between lectures!! I absolutely loved it!
Right Missy? :D
I know, books are my addiction. I figured that each of the bookcases in my library holds approx. 500 books and I have 6 of them. Plus stacks on the floor. And bookcases in my bedroom. And stacks on the floor there too. Please God don't make me move...
Oh, and Missy your book looks VERY cool! I like your site too =0)
Books are the best addiction. I'm great at buying them. I just don't have as much time for reading them as I once did.
Wow! Looks like I have plenty of candidates for my support group already! Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm glad you can relate. I've been a very good girl since April began and I placed a deadline for myself to finish the sequel to They Call Me Death. Looks like it might actually be finished by the end of the month, yay. Then I can start reading again ;)
They Call me Death sounds great!
Hi Missy! I need to join you in on that therapy session. Maybe we should all do group therapy, LOL. I have a good hubby too, he never says no, :D But when I talk about what I reading and all, he falls asleep. He's just happy when I'm happy! He does owe me book shelves tho, LOL
I'm an addict as well. 6,797 books in my inventory database. I built my own bookshelves from floor to ceiling in on two walls of the garage.
I'm seriously concidering starting my own blog just so I can give away some gently used books!
Good lord Kytaira! You've definitely got my 1100+ beat, and you're not the only one from the other cmments on here. Amazing, now I don't feel so bad ;)
All righty, and now for the winner of my book...(drumroll)
Blanche! Congratulations!!!!
Please email missy@msmissyjane.com so I can send you the file. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and especially for taking the time to read my rant :)
I'll also be popping into the Samhain Cafe yahoo group off and on all weekend if you'd like to chat some more.